
Faculty Members

Dylan Losey

Dylan is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Virginia Tech.

Postdocs and Visiting Scholars

Heramb Nemlekar

Heramb is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He is interested in assistive robots that quickly learn and adapt to human preferences.

Graduate Students

Sagar Parekh

Sagar is a PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He is interested in robots that influence humans.

Shaunak Mehta

Shaunak is a PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He is interested in physical human-robot interaction.

Shahabedin (Shahab) Sagheb

Shahab is an Assistant Collegiate Professor and a PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He is interested in humans and robots that learn, collaborate, and compete.

Benjamin Christie

Ben is a PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He is supported in part by the US Army Engineering Research and Development Center.

Maya Keely

Maya is a Master's student in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Robert Ramirez Sanchez

Robert is a Master's student in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Yinlong Dai

Yinlong is a PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He is interested in the intersection of robotics, vision, and machine learning.

Undergraduate Students

Ryan Jeronimus

Ryan is an undergraduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Casey Grothoff

Casey is an undergraduate student in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Brandon Franco

Brandon is an undergraduate student in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Phd & Postdoc Alumni

Ananth Jonnavittula

PhD Student, 2020-2024 (Next - Foundation)

Soheil Habibian

PhD Student, 2020-2024

Other Alumni

Joshua Hoegerman

MS Student, 2022-2024 (Next - The Boeing Company)

Emily Paul

High School Student, 2023

Forrest Meng

Undergraduate Student, 2023

Soham Gandhi

Undergraduate Student, 2023

Neema Ahmadian

Undergraduate Student, 2022 (Next - PhD Student at Virginia Tech)

Ritish Shailly

MS Student, 2021 - 2022 (Next - Amazon)

Naman Seth

Undergraduate Student, 2021 (Next - Torc Robotics)

Sounak Chakrabarti

Undergraduate Student, 2020-2021 (Next - MS Student at Virginia Tech)

James Mullen Jr.

Undergraduate Student, 2020-2021 (Next - PhD Student at University of Maryland)